
Emerging Gender Identities: Understanding the Diverse Experiences of Today’s Youth is unavailable, but you can change that!

This book offers a measured Christian response to the diverse gender identities that are being embraced by an increasing number of adolescents. Mark Yarhouse and Julia Sadusky offer an honest, scientifically informed, compassionate, and nuanced treatment for all readers who care about or work with gender-diverse youth: pastors, church leaders, parents, family members, youth workers, and...

(previously known as “sex reassignment”) surgery. Blanchard also recorded other less common forms of transsexuality, all of which were related to sexual orientation. Despite arguments in favor of sexual-orientation-based typologies, some transgender advocates were outspoken critics of these typologies.25 In particular, they rejected the idea that some presentations of transgender identity were more akin to a fetish than to an experience of felt gender identity per se. Academic peers such as Charles
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